Special Services
Our mission is to use a student-driven approach to cultivate meaningful relationships through relevant, individualized programs that provide a rigorous, systematic, and holistic approach to promote success and unlock each student's potential.
All of the faculty in the Special Services program are certified special educators in the state of Maine and have many years of combined experience. Students in the Special Services program have Individualized Education Plans (IEPs), 504's, Personal Learning Plans, or, in some instances, support services to develop referral plans. Students with an IEP also have a detailed transition plan designed to connect curriculum programs with long-term, post-secondary aspirations.
Students in the Special Services program are integrated into vocational and academic courses to the greatest extent possible. Washington Academy attempts to limit class size, to be able to personalize learning and meet all students' individual strengths and needs. Each student begins their day in an advisory class with an assigned teacher. This teacher will continue to be the students' advisor each year. Small class size, advisor support, and constant communication, provides an intricate support system for every student. Classes offered through the Special Services program are typically much smaller. In some instances, the support system includes a Special Services staff member assisting the teacher and the students' directly in the regular education classroom. This allows the Special Services staff to remain apprised of daily academic lessons, assignments, and long-term projects. Our goal for all students is to provide the best possible environment for learning. Washington Academy teachers use multiple strategies to support individual learning across all content areas.